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The Study of Kingdom Concepts

 The Study of Kingdom Concepts

A careful study of the bible and the presentation of the message of the Kingdom of Heaven by Jesus Christ will illustrate the presence of all of the components and characteristics of this life within the Kingdom of God. All Kingdoms, both spiritual and natural, and consist of the following components as part of a Kingdom’s existence:

  1. The Kingdom Principle of Kings (God)
  2. The Kingdom Principle of Lords (Jesus)
  3. The Kingdom Principle of Governors (Holy Spirit)
  4. The Kingdom Principle of Domain (Territory)
  5. The Kingdom Principle of Keys (Principles)
  6. The Kingdom Principle of Constitution (The Bible)
  7. The Kingdom Principle of Law (written rules, precepts, concepts)
  8. The Kingdom Principle of Citizenship (Rights & Responsibilities)
  9. The Kingdom Principle of Royal Privilege
  10. The Kingdom Principle of Ethics         
  11. The Kingdom Principle of Reputation
  12. The Kingdom Principle of Economy
  13. The Kingdom Principle of Taxation
  14. The Kingdom Principle of Commonwealth    
  15. The Kingdom Principle of Army
  16. The Kingdom Principle of Culture
  17. The Kingdom Principle of Delegated Authority
  18. The Kingdom Principle of Ambassadorship
  19. The Kingdom Principle of Education 
  20. The Kingdom Principle of Administration                                                      
  21. The Kingdom Principle of Glory
  22. The Kingdom Principle of Worship
  23. The Kingdom Principle of Provision (ownership vs. Access)
  24. The Kingdom Principle of Influence
  25. The Kingdom Principle of Royal Favor
  26. The Kingdom Principle of Decree
  27. The Kingdom Principle of Giving to aKing

  • The Kingdom Principle of KING- is the embodiment of the entire kingdom, representing its full glory and nature. 
    • Authority flows from the king and the word of the king is supreme and cannot be revoked.
    • God is the King of heaven and earth
    • Jesus is the King of the earth (Man is the manager, steward, administrator, and king)
  • The Kingdom Principle of LORD
    • Jesus is the Lord of heaven and earth because he is both God and Man
    • Son of God (Spiritual King in Heaven) vs. Son of Man (Natural King on earth)
    • Man is the lord of the earth, as in caretaker or “landlord” (Psalm 24:1)
  • The Kingdom Principle of GOVERNOR
    • Royal governors administered the will of a king in another territory. 
    • They held the same power as their king in the land where they lived and managed.
    • The Holy Spirit is a teacher, counselor, ruler-standard setter, guide, protector, advocate, and more.
  • The Kingdom Principle of DOMAIN- is the territory over which a king exercises his total authority. The territory, its resources, and its people are all personal property of the king. The king by rights owns all, and therefore, is considered the lord of all. The word Lord denotes ownership by right. Lord is only given to one who is the sovereign owner. This is why the scriptures declare, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” (Ps. 24:1)
    • God’s territory of influence in the heavenlies is called the Kingdom of God
    • God’s territory of influence on the earth is called the Kingdom of Heaven
      The Kingdom of heaven is within you. (God’s Holy Spirit living inside of man), Luke 17:20
      You cannot experience the Kingdom of Heaven without first seeking the Kingdom of God.
  • The Kingdom Principle of KEYS- Ruling principles, the first thought, your initial ways of thinking and believing. Authority, Citizenship (Rights and Responsibilities), Faith, Forgiveness, Giving, Knowledge and Understanding, Management & Organization, Righteousness, Integrity, Mastery of emotions, Submission to the Kingdom of God, (not serving a religion, but the citizens), Trust (total reliance on God), Choosing your master (God vs. mammon),
    • The Kingdom Key of Authority
    • The Kingdom Key of Deployment (proper attitude in crisis)
    • The Kingdom Key of Fasting and Prayer
    • The Kingdom Key of Forgiveness
    • The Kingdom Key of Knowledge
    • The Kingdom Key of Law
    • The Kingdom Key of Management (prayer and fasting)
    • The Kingdom Key of Understanding
  • The Kingdom Principle of CONSTITUTION- is the covenant of a king with his citizenry and expresses the mind and will of the king for his citizens and his kingdom. It constitutes the intent of the sovereign for his people as well as containing the benefits and privileges of the kingdom. The constitution is the documented words of the king. The Bible contains the constitution of the Kingdom of God which details His will and mind for His citizens.
    • The Holy Bible- The rules and responsibilities for a relationship with God and man.
  • The Kingdom Principle of LAW- constitutes the standards and principles established by the king himself, by which his kingdom will function and be administered. The laws of a kingdom are to be obeyed by all, including foreigners residing in it. The laws of a kingdom are the way by which one is guaranteed access to the benefits of the king and the kingdom. Violations of kingdom law place one at odds with the king and thus interrupt the favorable position one enjoys with the king. The laws in a kingdom cannot be changed by the citizens,
    nor are they subject to a citizen referendum or debate. Simply put, the word of the king is law in His kingdom and is even obeyed by the king himself. Rebellion against the law is rebellion against the king. Following any word other than the king is called treason and is punishable by death.
    • Legal documents are found in scripture to prove your rights and show your responsibilities.
    • The 10 Commandments were never meant for man to follow as a strict religion,
      but as a mirror to show you how to recognize why you need a relationship with God.
  • The Kingdom Principle of CITIZENSHIP- the people that live under the rule of the king. Citizenship in a kingdom is not a right, but a privilege, and is a result of a king’s choice. The benefits and privileges of a kingdom are only accessible to citizens, and therefore, the favor of the king is always a privilege. Once one becomes a citizen of the kingdom, all of the rights of citizenship are at the citizen’s pleasure. The king is obligated to care for and protect all of his citizens, and their welfare is a reflection of the king himself. The number one goal of a citizen in a kingdom is to submit to the king, seeking only to remain in right standing with him. This is called righteousness. This is why Jesus said the priority of all men is to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added. (Mathew 6:33)
    • Man, with the Holy Spirit, who are sons of God and not servants
    • Dual citizenship as a diplomat, an ambassador of Christ on the earth, and a citizen of heaven.
  • The Kingdom Principle of PRIVILEGES- is the benefits the king lavishes on his faithful citizens.
    This aspect of government is very different from other forms of government. In a kingdom, citizenship is always desired by the people because, once you are in the kingdom, the king is personally responsible
    for you and all of your needs. In addition, because the king owns everything within his kingdom,
    he can give to any citizen, any or all of his wealth as he desires, and also take it away from them.
    • health program- healing of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
    • An educational program- the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, by revelation and enlightenment.
    • The Spirit of Truth reminds you of what is already inside your spirit, so it’s not brand new, but back to. More than the truth is a lie, less than the truth is deception.
  • taxation system- Tithing, which is simply an honor system for a kingdom citizen to give to a King.
  • central communication system- the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking your native language in tongues.
  • system of administration- the ministration of the Spirit through mankind called the church (Ecclesia), the called-out ones, ministers, (to serve God’s policies to people through administration)
  • An economy- a system of giving and receiving through offerings
    Acts 4:32-35, a system of perpetual currency to provide for its citizens.
    • Royal privileges of the kingdom are the benefits the king affords his citizens. They serve as security for being in good standing with the king. 
  • Benefits include health, wealth, education, and counsel among others (Deuteronomy 30:8-14)
  • The Kingdom Principle of Ethics: - is the acceptable conduct of the citizens in the kingdom and their representation of the kingdom. This code includes moral standards, social relationships, personal conduct, attitude, attire, and manner of life.  The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-12, 1 Corinthians 13, Fruit of the Spirit
  • This is the standard of conduct established by the king for the behavior and social relationships of his citizens. This is also the expectation of the king regarding the values and moral standards the citizens must adhere to. The code of ethics becomes the foundation of the kingdom's culture and manifests itself in the lifestyle of the citizens.     
  • Love God with all thy heart, soul, and might, and love thy neighbor as thyself.

  • The Kingdom Principle of Reputation: The king’s reputation is important to the king and is the source of the glory of his name. A king’s reputation is created and sustained by the conditions of his citizens and his kingdom. Therefore kings act in ways that are favorable to their namesake.
  • The Kingdom Principle of Economy: All kingdoms operate on a system that secures and sustains the strength and viability of the kingdom. The system involves the kingdom government’s providing opportunities for the citizens to participate I the benefits program of the kingdom’s prosperity through contributing to the work ethic and culture of the kingdom. The kingdom's economy usually involves a taxation system, investment opportunities, and creative development programs for the citizens. 
  • The Kingdom Principle of Taxation: All kingdoms incorporate a taxation system, which allows their citizens to participate in the process of maintaining the kingdom's infrastructure. The system allows the citizen to share in the kingdom’s commonwealth and return a set portion of the king’s resources back to the king. In essence, everything in a kingdom already belongs to the king, including the taxes required from the citizen, therefore a kingdom taxation system is simply the government’s allowing its resources to pass through the hands of the citizens. Tithing is simply a system of building obedience and trust in the king’s provision.
  • The Kingdom Principle of COMMONWEALTH- the economic system of a kingdom that guarantees each citizen equal access to financial security. In a kingdom, the term commonwealth is used because the king’s desire is that all his citizens share the befit of the wealth of the kingdom. In a commonwealth, the citizen’s wealth is in common with the king, not with one another. The king’s glory is in the happiness and health of its citizens because it reflects His character. (The holiday season is only a shadow of the intent).
  • All kingdoms function on the principle of a commonwealth. Commonwealth is the king’s commitment to see that all of his citizens have equal access to the wealth and resources of the kingdom. This is important to the king because the quality of life of the citizens of a kingdom reflects the glory and reputation of the king. When the welfare of the king’s citizens is excellent, then the king’s reputation among other kings is honorable. Kingdoms provide for all of the needs of their citizens, and the king is personally committed to and involved in the welfare of his citizens. Acts 4:32-35, Luke 12:22-24; 31-32, Philippians 4:19, And MY God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.
  • The Kingdom Principle of ARMY- is the king’s system of securing its territory and protecting its citizens. It is important to understand that in a kingdom the citizens do not fight in the army, but enjoy the protection of the army. This is why, in the Kingdom of God, the angels are called the host of heaven.
    The word host means army and identifies the angels as the so-called military component of the Kingdom of Heaven. This kingdom concept presents a challenge to our religious thinking of the church as an army of the Lord. A careful study if the biblical constitution of the word will show that the church, as Jesus established it, is not identified as an army but rather citizenship, a family of sons, and a holy nation (separated for a specific purpose). (Ps. 78:49-50,; 103:20-21; Matt 13:40b-42) Enlisted persons have no rights as a citizen.
    • All kingdoms incorporate an army of security components to serve, protect, and defend their territory and citizens. 
  • Angels are the hosts of heaven. Citizens pray to give God permission to move on the earth,
    putting the Angels to work. Spiritual warfare is our responsibility; it is renewing our minds and conducting our lives. The battle is the Lord’s. He does not do the fighting, but He gets the glory.
  • The Kingdom Principle of SOCIAL CULTURE- is the environment created by the life and manner of the king and his citizens. This is the cultural aspect that separates and distinguishes the kingdom from all others around it. It is the culture that expresses the nature of the king, through the lifestyle of his citizens. This distinction in Kingdom culture is evidenced in the words of the Lord Jesus, when He repeatedly said in the Book of Matthew, “you have heard it said… but I tell you,” (Matt 5:21-22), and again, “it shall not be so among you” (Matt 20:26). Kingdom social culture is supposed to be evident in our daily activities and encounters. Romans 12:1-2 Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.
  • Worship, not worry. Not Christianity, but a Kingdom citizen, Relationship, Not religion
  • The Kingdom Principle of Delegated Authority: All kingdoms establish a representative system that delegates responsibility to appointed citizens to serve as envoys or ambassadors of the kingdom or state. Ambassadors personify and embody the king’s authority and the kingdom or state. Ambassadors are the property and responsibility of the state and thus do not concern themselves with their own personal needs. Their primary purpose is to represent the interest of the kingdom. 
  • The Kingdom Principle of Ambassadorship: An ambassador speaks for the kingdom and does not represent himself, only his kingdom. The ambassador is the kingdom’s agency for conveying its will, desires, and purposes in the territory to which he or she is assigned. 
  • The Kingdom Principle of Education: All kingdoms establish a system and program for training and educating their citizens. The education system is designed to transfer, re-enforce, and instill the laws, values, morals, and manners of the king and the kingdom to succeeding generations and new citizens.      
  • The Kingdom Principle of Administration: All kingdoms establish a system through which they administer their judgments and programs to the citizens. The administrative program is also designed to protect the rights and privileges of the citizens and their access to the king’s favor.
  • The Kingdom Principle of Glory: The glory of the king is all and everything in the kingdom that represents and manifests the true nature of the king himself. The glory literally means “true essence or full weight”. 
  • The Kingdom Principle of Worship: The worship of a king is the expression of the citizen’s gratitude and appreciation to the king for his favor, privileges, and security of being in his kingdom. Worship is also an indication of the perceived worth that the king is to the citizen. Worship always involves the offering of gifts to the king, indicating the citizen’s awareness that all things that he enjoys being at the pleasure of the king. Worship also expresses one’s dependency on the king, which activates the king’s obligation to care for the citizens who proclaim his name as their king. Live a life of worth-ship, don’t just adore the door.
  • The Kingdom Principle of Provision: In all true kingdoms the king is obligated to provide for his citizens and thus makes provisions at his own expense for their security and welfare. 
  • The Kingdom Principle of Influence: All kingdoms are committed to making the influence of the king and his will felt throughout the entire kingdom. (The parable of the yeast).
  • The Kingdom Principle of Royal Favor: Royal favor is the sovereign prerogative of the king to extend a personal law to a citizen that positions that citizen to receive special privileges and advantages that are personally protected by the king. 
  • The Kingdom Principle of Decree: A royal decree is a declaration that becomes law to all. It is sustained by the king’s personal commitment to bring the declaration or promise to pass.  
  • The Kingdom Principle of Giving to a King: Giving to a king activates the king’s obligation to demonstrate his glory and power to the giver and to prove that he is a greater king than all other kings. Giving to a king in his kingdom is the acknowledgment that all things belong
    to that king and the citizen is grateful. Because giving to a king is impossible (since all things already belong to the king), the act of giving benefits the citizen more than the king, because a king hates to be outdone with giving. Thus one should never come before a king empty-handed.

 Let the world know why you are here, and do it with passion.

True Wealth

 True wealth is having access to what you need when you need it.

The Kingdom of God, Simplified!


A Kingdom Community

 A Kingdom Community



Many people are initially offended by the word “ignorant”, but only if they view it out of its intended context. If you view the word from another perspective, you will find that you are ignorant if any vital and life-changing information is being withheld, misused, or refused. Ignorance is if you are unaware, uninformed, or misinformed about something.


There is a saying that goes, A man who does not read is no better off than a man who cannot read. People are offended because they take the position of defense to protect themselves from being attacked. Ignorance is not always something that is caused by you or is your fault, but it could also be done to you by someone else to hinder you from becoming you.  


All mankind is created as kings, and the reason that Christ (the Spirit) came in the form of Jesus (the Man), was to make it possible for us all to reconnect to our place in the Kingdom of God, to obtain and return to the crown that was and is forfeited by us out of ignorance.


The true Gospel is not just about the message of Jesus and of the cross. The Gospel that no one tells us about today is that there is a crown beyond that cross. So now, the work before us is to “crown ignorant kings”, and to restore the kingdom of God on earth, so that we can better manage the circumstances in our lives and have power over our life situations. So that God’s Kingdom will finally come on earth as it is in Heaven. 


A return to the Original Mandate of Christ for Kingdom Government, Management, Citizenship, Relationship, and Community; Manifesting Heaven's Culture on Earth.

Bible Study

 It was an honor to be able to share last night with Abundant Word Ministries.

Thank you to Pastors James and Regina Alexander.

Bible Study

Do not Plant Another Tree – Just Cultivate the Seed

We are at the end of another year. We approach the beginning of both another year and a new decade.
It is the very time when everyone is either optimistic about the positive possibilities of a bright future ahead, or committing self-sabotage with negative thoughts or abuse and condemning themselves and others about the wasted opportunities, lost relationships,  and squandered resources of the past.

God gives us seasons for reasons. We have seasons to mark time, in order to measure change. We also have seasons to start afresh and have something to hope for. In this season for me, (and you can grab onto it if you want), I hear the challenge, not to plant any new trees this year, but to cultivate and develop the seeds (ideas) that He has already given me. My seed is the gift that God gave to me. In this season, I am a slave to my gift. This is my time of cultivating it into fruit, which will draw others.

Many times, we look forward in anticipation of another year, waiting to see the harvest of the hard seasons and the results of the sacrifices we have made in the past. We look only for produce, but do not understand when we are given what looks like another problem. If we look closely, it is another seed. We wonder why we have not seen our reaping season yet. It is usually because you have already looked forward to planting another tree instead of properly tending to the seeds you have in your hand.

I found something interesting about the writing of Matthew located at 17:20. Many people comment and build sermons about having faith “the size” of a grain of mustard seed. While on a Mediterranean diet, my wife and I have bought and tried many different types of grains, seeds, nuts, etc. One day it occurred to me that the black Chia seeds I had been adding to my food were actually smaller than a mustard seed.  So could this explanation be the sole meaning of this message, simply in the size of your faith?

I found that not all translations mention size, but simply having the faith “as” a mustard seed. Indeed, the size of the seed is relevant to the massive tree it is destined to become. However, the thing that I found interesting is that seed, any seed- is alive! It is full of potential. You can have a package of seed, in a bag, pouch, or any type of container, and it will hold for quite a while. The potential of the seed still present, its purpose still intact. The purpose of one single seed contains the potential of a forest! The only thing it is waiting for is to be placed in the right environment.

The proper environment for every seed is Kingdom citizenship and obedience to its principles. I plan to die empty, but the seeds that I plant, I want to be fruitful and effective, not just numerous and ineffective. In this New Year – DO NOT PRAY FOR MONEY! Look for IDEAS and execute them. You don’t need more money. You need to manage the resources that you have in your hand. Earlier in the book of Matthew that I referenced, in section 6:33, Jesus said, all the things we need will be added (given without stress), once we focus on those two things. Happy New You!

Philippians 4:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Philippians 4:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

 All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man.

Freedom Does Not Mean Deliverance

The reason God refused to take the Israelites directly into Canaan following their deliverance was that they were still mentally enslaved in Egypt. They had been delivered from Egypt, but they weren’t yet free. So God had to deal with their minds, though their bodies were already liberated from bondage. This illustration captures a principle that applies to individuals, communities, and nations: Conditions determine conduct until interrupted by an external force.
Being free and being delivered are two completely different things altogether. If you were locked in a jail cell for five, ten, twenty years or more - and then someone came along and unlocked the cell. This means that your circumstance has changed and they allowed you the opportunity to go free, but you never made the decision to walk out of that cell and change your situation. You are still imprisoned, although you were set free. You are your own jailer.
The Israelites are not only historical people but a representation of many that live today. They represent humankind at-large. These people were freed from the bondage of slavery only to be kept in bondage of their own mindsets, fears, beliefs, and negative habits. They were set free, but not delivered. Freedom is a physical thing, but deliverance is purely mental. There are many who are actually in a confined circumstance but experience much more freedom than those of us who walk around without barriers or restrictions.
God will not allow you to experience the fullness of your freedom until you decide how much deliverance you want. He will never force it on you. He can’t. He will never give you more than you ask for or are ready to receive. It’s funny that we will often fight for the right to believe what we want to believe, even if we know it is wrong. That’s what I call a stronghold.
Freedom is a burden that only the mature can bear. It happens in our minds as we accept our responsibility to move forward and allow the reconditioning of our oppressive thinking. Those who won't move forward travel in aimless wilderness circles, because nothing truly changes until your mind changes.
~Dr. Myles Munroe, The Burden of Freedom
We cannot be crowned as kings without changing the way that we think. ~JLD
Words in Italics are taken from the book

Primary Kingdom Principles

Primary Kingdom Principles

  1. The Kingdom Concept of the Kingdom
  2. The Kingdom Concept of God vs. the Government of Man
  3. The Kingdom Concept of Colonization
  4. The Kingdom Concept of a King
  5. The Kingdom Concept of Lord
  6. The Kingdom Concept of Governor
  7. The Kingdom Concept of Territory
  8. The Kingdom Concept of the Constitution
  9. The Kingdom Concept of Law
  10. The Kingdom Concept of Keys
  11. The Kingdom Concept of Citizenship
  12. The Kingdom Concept of Culture
  13. The Kingdom Concept of Giving to a King

Finding Your Niche in the Community

Finding Your Niche in the Community,
Notes from teaching by Trista Sue Kragh
Ways to build up your influence in the community:
  1. Find a problem or need in your community and initiate an idea you have to improve it.
  2. Volunteer for community service.
  3. Accept and address a public cause of your passion.
  4. Join the leadership in local civic clubs or organizations.
  5. Work towards promotion in your field or passion.
  6. Join a political organization.
  7. Seek a public voice; Initiate media involvement, write to the paper or elected officials.
  8. Establish an internet presence; write articles, media, blogs, books, etc.
  9. Mentor others in local government.
  10. Run for or lead a community board.
  11. Run for local, state, and national public office.
Whatever you choose to do, be an influence with a Kingdom focus!

Kingdom Constitution

Learning, teaching, and applying 
Kingdom principles, 
rights, and responsibilities 
found in our country’s constitution, 
the Bible.

The Privileges of Citizenship in a Kingdom Culture

Some of the Benefits and Privileges of Citizenship in a Kingdom Culture Include:
  • A health program- healing of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
  • An educational program- the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, by revelation and enlightenment. The Spirit of Truth reminds you of what is already inside your spirit, so it’s not brand new, but back to. More than the truth is a lie, less than the truth is deception.
  • A taxation system- Tithing, which is simply an honor system for a kingdom citizen to give to a King.
  • A central communication system- the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking your native language in tongues.
  • A system of administration- the ministration of the Spirit through mankind called the church (Ecclesia), the called-out ones, ministers, (to serve God’s policies to people through administration)
  • An economy- a system of giving and receiving through offerings Acts 4:32-35, a system of perpetual currency to provide for its citizens.

What's the Big Idea?

What’s the Big Idea? (Please read Genesis 1:26-27)

You are very special! 
God made us in His own image and likeness (a reflection of His personality and character). 

We are all created like God in some ways, but we are all also very different in other ways. 

God is our King, and He is also our Father! 
There are two Kingdoms that He rules, a spiritual (or invisible) kingdom in heaven, and a natural (or visible) kingdom here on earth. God is the King in heaven and on earth because He created it (through the Word, Jesus Christ), and therefore He owns it. That is what the word LORD means, owner. We are His sons (offspring) and He gave us the right to rule the earthly part of His Kingdom, so He calls us kings, (with a small “k”, and lords, with a small "l"). We are not the primary owners, but the managers or stewards.

In Genesis, we read all about Adam and Eve, who were the first royal family here on earth, but they were rebellious and acted out in disobedience to God, (which is what we call sin), and they lost their rulership and privileges. This caused a lot of problems for many generations. 

Jesus Christ, who is also our big brother, had to come down to reveal God's purpose and be an example, to expose our ignorance and correct the consequences of disobedience, so that we would all be able to reconnect to our royal family and recover all the benefits that come along with being kings.

The entire Bible, from front to back, is full of God's ideas about a community, it's history, principles, and examples that show us how this Kingdom works; how we can return to our citizenship, and to learn how we can enjoy all the benefits of being a citizen. 

What do you think are the main things we must do to activate our benefits? 
Seek God's Kingdom, be obedient to God's principleslove God, and love everyone else, to the same extent that you first love yourself.

Do you know what a testament is? A testament is a document used for legal evidence in court. Many of the terms and meanings of things that we learn about in the bible were actually originally legal terms, but they have been turned into religious rituals and traditions that have been emptied of God’s power. Legion means a multitude or great number. Religion is a term that simply points to, “a large group searching for a god”. When you find God, you have a personal relationship again. You are connected!

Every country has citizens. The citizenship of a country is very powerful, and in order to know what your rights and responsibilities are, you have to first learn the constitution of the country.  

What are the two ways that you can become a citizen? Jesus said, you must either be born in it (like a natural-born baby is delivered through water from a womb), or you must be changed or renewed (in your mind) by learning its laws, rules, and regulations. This is what He meant by “being born of water and by the spirit”. When you do this, you become a citizen, and you have rights. 

Because we have spent years in the wrong mindset, we all have to learn how to be kings again. This is what is meant by the words, “to repent”. To return to the original mind that God gave you return to the top, as in the pent-house). Matthew 6:33-34 is one scripture that I used to start my journey to becoming a king once again. Read it, and start your journey to reclaiming your rights.

There is A King inside You!

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is not just the Good News about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel that we often hear is not even the same Gospel that Jesus Christ taught. 

We want to speculate on “What Would Jesus Do”, instead of focusing on “What Did Jesus Say”, and doing it. Not everyone is aware that the Good News is really that there is a crown beyond the cross. 

So now, we must do the work to Crown Ignorant Kings and restore the Kingdom of God in the earth.

The Truth of the Matter

Truth is simply defined as, the original information. Truth is what actually exists beyond your five senses. The truth is that all humankind was created to be kings. The word “king” does not depict gender, but a person of authority. The reason that God came was to make it possible for us to reconnect to the Kingdom of God and to reclaim the crowns that we forfeited out of ignorance and disobedience. Disobedience leads to death and the loss of our inheritance.

Crowning Ignorant Kings

Some people get offended by the word “ignorant”. It’s only offensive when it is taken out of context. When you use the word correctly, you will find that we are all ignorant at some point, or in some way. If any important information has been withheld, or if you are being misled in any way, you are ignorant.