The 12 Kingdom Pillars of Community

*Photo courtesy of Ambassadors of Christ Embassy

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,
the world and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1
Earth- (Tierra) is the physical planet, earth, trees, minerals, and resources.
World- (Kosmos) is a government system of influence, principality, means of control, or dominance.

The 12 Kingdom Pillars of Community-
(systems of authority that influence society on the earth)
  • Ecclesia- (church) ones who are called out to administrate and influence the world for God and expand the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven. To serve as a minister simply means to find a need and "ad-minister", or provide for the need willingly, (often referred to as an outreach, ministry, cabinet, or state department). We are to serve the world the Kingdom of God in the role of administration through each of the following areas:
  • Educational System- to proclaim the Truth of God’s Word and to teach practical application and manifest demonstrations of God’s power, (Ephesians 4:8-16).
  • Government System- Political (chief citizens) appointed to create a system of administration based on God’s Laws and Principles.
  • Law & Ethics System- The Kingdom's influence on earthly laws through Biblical principles and precepts.
  • Holistic Healthcare System- Kingdom influence to administer healing through faith in God's Word and a compatible style of living. (Eating food, exercise, thinking, medication, and physical restoration). Food, not Medication; Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat.
  • Business & Finance- An organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, personal, or private professional-quality activities, using biblical principles applied to financial matters to get positive results.
  • Science & Technology- Balancing God’s creative power on the earth with Biblical proof and clarity through scientific principles, laws, and practices.
  • Communication & Media- the use of various means and methods to exchange edifying information and entertainment with wholesome values in the world.
  • Information System- various forms of data, intelligence, knowledge, notice, news, and reports are used to further all the other pillar areas.
  • Sports & Recreation- an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others as a form of exercise or entertainment.
  • Arts & Entertainment- The expression or application of human ability, skill, creativity, and imagination, typically in forms perceived by the senses (art, music, culinary, etc.).
  • Social & Family Services- dealing with the individual first, marriage, family, and commonwealth; rebuilding society through returning to the foundation of the community and following through to show the effectiveness in our changed mindset, cultivating a new earth experience.