Kingdom Pledge, Conferral & Proclamation

The Kingdom Ambassador’s Pledge

Abba (Father), I do confess Jesus Christ to be my Lord,
my Savior, my Redeemer, and my King.

I accept the Holy Spirit, who is the Governor of Heaven
who is assigned to oversee the earth,
to live in me, to teach and guide me now and forever.

I accept the Word of God as my Home Country’s Constitution,
and the Laws of this Constitution,
I do pledge to learn, practice, and teach them to others until I die.

I receive the mandate given by my Lord to go into the entire world
and take this same Gospel of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Preached
into every nation, neighborhood and natural system of influence;
teaching them to also practice with patience and faithfulness.

I do receive this solemn pledge,
and I will not continue to violate the Laws of God willingly,
by willfully practicing disobedience or rebellion.

I will change my mindset and learn to follow my King
and discipline my-self to obey without question,
through prayer, fasting, consistent study,
and by the application of His Word in my life.


In Jesus’ Name and with the help of the Holy Spirit, Amen

Conferral to the Kingdom

Now because of your confession, I do confer on you, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, your Ambassadorship and Credentials as a Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.

May He place on your shoulders, His sword, and accept you as a King and Priest. Place an Orb, Crown, and Scepter in your possession through life-long learning and application.

May you walk through life without yielding to fear. May you never be afraid of the eyes of those who look at you or speak against you, for you are of the Great One. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Therefore, go boldly and declare the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.


And lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the age. No weapon formed against you will prosper, and no man shall stand before you.


Today you are hereby pledged, as a Kingdom Ambassador.

Live and Represent the Kingdom of God Well.
Be afraid of nothing, for the Lord is with you.

And if the Lord is with you, who can be against you?

Today your eternal life has been transformed!



(And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me.
Luke 22:29

Today your eternal life has been transformed!

Kingdom Proclamation


On this day, as a Kingdom Citizen and heir of Jesus Christ, I hereby cancel all financial bondages and denounce any curses of health over my life, my household, my family’s lives, and all that concern me. I decree in Jesus’ name, freedom from the bondage of debt, and receive an abundance of wealth, wisdom, supernatural favor, and increased Kingdom territory.

As of right now, I sever anything holding back faith, finances, and favor, and I call forth ministering Angels of Heaven as reapers to retrieve and bring the harvests of blessings NOW, through ideas, witty inventions, and application.

As we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, we expect His Word to be fulfilled in our lives, as it is in Heaven, that all the things we need to sustain our lives would be added to us daily without worry or concern.

I declare financial freedom, and a steady flow of resources into my household and all that concerns me.

I declare total physical, emotional, and spiritual healing with a long life over my household and all that concerns me.

I declare my children to be effective and efficient in their studies, financial decisions, social associations, spiritual and natural relationships, and every part of their daily lives, bringing success to their individual purpose and mandate as Kingdom Citizens.


Signed, and Sealed by,



Kingdom Citizen and Ambassador