About Us

As A Kingdom Community...

We seek to restore a sense of divine identity, heritage, purpose, potential, leadership, and destiny to every individual. We are committed to establishing a community of leaders dedicated to setting a precedent, raising a standard, and producing a model of excellence in personal, family, community, and national leadership based on Biblical Kingdom Values.

With Jesus as our example, we proclaim the Gospel (good news) of the Kingdom of God to every person:

Replacing Ignorance with wisdom, sickness with divine health, poverty with abundance, oppression with liberty, and division with unity; thereby restoring the Kingdom of God to humankind, making disciples of all nations.

Our Purpose:
To gather, examine, exercise, and disseminate Biblical truth for the purpose of cultivating servant leadership with dual citizenship as a follower of Christ on earth. 

Our Vision
To establish embassies for the purpose of teaching, training, equipping, and empowering individuals to discover, develop, deploy, and maximize the potential of their individual inherent God-given gifts and their personal Kingdom purpose for the benefit of the entire community; thereby influencing the world. 

Our Mission

To communicate the precepts, principles, purpose, and power of the message of the Kingdom of God, taught by Christ
to every nation and to every culture, thereby restoring humankind back to God’s original dominion-leadership mandate:

“To go and make students of all nationalities, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Matt. 28:19-20.

We’re not ambitious. All we want to do is change the world. That’s all.

Corporate Goals:

1.      Kingdom Identity: Personal Development

2.      Kingdom Influence: Community Application

3.      Kingdom Impact: Global Influence

Our Strategy:

To use multi-medium to instruct, train, and develop practical programs for discovering, understanding, and applying the precepts, keys, principles, values, morals, and standards of The Kingdom of Heaven on earth; producing a community with a lifestyle that is reflective of Heaven’s Culture on earth. 

This is accomplished through the practical application of the following:

Our Core Leadership Values:
· CharacterHonoring our commitments, even when it is hard.
· Commitment: Aligning our actions with our promises.
· Discipline: Turning away from all distractions and re-engaging your personal commitment.
· Effectiveness: Productive Management of All Resources
· Faith: Knowing there is a positive solution at hand, even if we cannot see one.
· Gratitude: Thankfulness as an attitude and expectation.
· Innovation: Being Creative Agents of Change; Using accurate resources to bring resolve.
· Integrity: Honesty, Trustworthy. Being consistent in thought, word, and deed.
· Purpose: Inner strength generated through passion and determination to improve the lives of others.
· Understanding: Knowledge through Practical Principle Application of Godly principles

We declare Kingdom Community to be a place of TRUTH, LOVE, HOPE, DOMINION, and POWER!