Let the world know why you are here, and do it with passion.
We are here to Cultivate a Kingdom Culture. Returning to the Original Mandate of Jesus Christ for Kingdom Government, Management, Citizenship, Relationship, and Community; Manifesting the Culture of Heaven on Earth. This online content is comprised of notes, studies, and resources based on the messages of Dr. Myles Munroe, (used with his permission), and other Kingdom Citizens, to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, as taught by our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Now Let's Adjust Our Crowns!
A Kingdom Community
A Kingdom Community
Many people are initially offended by the word “ignorant”, but only
if they view it out of its intended context. If you view the word from another perspective,
you will find that you are ignorant if any vital and life-changing information
is being withheld, misused, or refused. Ignorance is if you are unaware,
uninformed, or misinformed about something.
There is a saying that goes, A man who does not read is no
better off than a man who cannot read. People are offended because they
take the position of defense to protect themselves from being attacked.
Ignorance is not always something that is caused by you or is your fault, but
it could also be done to you by someone else to hinder you from becoming you.
All mankind is created as kings,
and the reason that Christ (the Spirit) came in the form of Jesus (the Man), was
to make it possible for us all to reconnect to our place in the Kingdom of God,
to obtain and return to the crown that was and is forfeited by us out of
The true Gospel is not just about the message of Jesus and of the cross.
The Gospel that no one tells us about today is that there is a crown beyond that
cross. So now, the work before us is to “crown ignorant kings”, and to restore
the kingdom of God on earth, so that we can better manage the circumstances in
our lives and have power over our life situations. So that God’s Kingdom will finally
come on earth as it is in Heaven.
Bible Study
It was an honor to be able to share last night with Abundant Word Ministries.
Thank you to Pastors James and Regina Alexander.
Do not Plant Another Tree – Just Cultivate the Seed
It is the very time when everyone is either optimistic about the positive possibilities of a bright future ahead, or committing self-sabotage with negative thoughts or abuse and condemning themselves and others about the wasted opportunities, lost relationships, and squandered resources of the past.
Philippians 4:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
Philippians 4:8 Amplified
Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man.
Freedom Does Not Mean Deliverance
“The reason God refused to take the Israelites directly into Canaan following their deliverance was that they were still mentally enslaved in Egypt. They had been delivered from Egypt, but they weren’t yet free. So God had to deal with their minds, though their bodies were already liberated from bondage. This illustration captures a principle that applies to individuals, communities, and nations: Conditions determine conduct until interrupted by an external force.”
We cannot be crowned as kings without changing the way that we think. ~JLD
Primary Kingdom Principles
Primary Kingdom Principles
- The Kingdom Concept of the Kingdom
- The Kingdom Concept of God vs. the Government of Man
- The Kingdom Concept of Colonization
- The Kingdom Concept of a King
- The Kingdom Concept of Lord
- The Kingdom Concept of Governor
- The Kingdom Concept of Territory
- The Kingdom Concept of the Constitution
- The Kingdom Concept of Law
- The Kingdom Concept of Keys
- The Kingdom Concept of Citizenship
- The Kingdom Concept of Culture
- The Kingdom Concept of Giving to a King
Finding Your Niche in the Community
- Find a problem or need in your community and initiate an idea you have to improve it.
- Volunteer for community service.
- Accept and address a public cause of your passion.
- Join the leadership in local civic clubs or organizations.
- Work towards promotion in your field or passion.
- Join a political organization.
- Seek a public voice; Initiate media involvement, write to the paper or elected officials.
- Establish an internet presence; write articles, media, blogs, books, etc.
- Mentor others in local government.
- Run for or lead a community board.
- Run for local, state, and national public office.
The Privileges of Citizenship in a Kingdom Culture
- A health program- healing of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
- An educational program- the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, by revelation and enlightenment. The Spirit of Truth reminds you of what is already inside your spirit, so it’s not brand new, but back to. More than the truth is a lie, less than the truth is deception.
- A taxation system- Tithing, which is simply an honor system for a kingdom citizen to give to a King.
- A central communication system- the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking your native language in tongues.
- A system of administration- the ministration of the Spirit through mankind called the church (Ecclesia), the called-out ones, ministers, (to serve God’s policies to people through administration)
- An economy- a system of giving and receiving through offerings Acts 4:32-35, a system of perpetual currency to provide for its citizens.
What's the Big Idea?
We are all created like God in some ways, but we are all also very different in other ways.
There are two Kingdoms that He rules, a spiritual (or invisible) kingdom in heaven, and a natural (or visible) kingdom here on earth. God is the King in heaven and on earth because He created it (through the Word, Jesus Christ), and therefore He owns it. That is what the word LORD means, owner. We are His sons (offspring) and He gave us the right to rule the earthly part of His Kingdom, so He calls us kings, (with a small “k”, and lords, with a small "l"). We are not the primary owners, but the managers or stewards.
Jesus Christ, who is also our big brother, had to come down to reveal God's purpose and be an example, to expose our ignorance and correct the consequences of disobedience, so that we would all be able to reconnect to our royal family and recover all the benefits that come along with being kings.
Seek God's Kingdom, be obedient to God's principles, love God, and love everyone else, to the same extent that you first love yourself.
What are the two ways that you can become a citizen? Jesus said, you must either be born in it (like a natural-born baby is delivered through water from a womb), or you must be changed or renewed (in your mind) by learning its laws, rules, and regulations. This is what He meant by “being born of water and by the spirit”. When you do this, you become a citizen, and you have rights.
There is A King inside You!
The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is not just the Good News about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel that we often hear is not even the same Gospel that Jesus Christ taught.
We want to speculate on “What Would Jesus Do”, instead of focusing on “What Did Jesus Say”, and doing it. Not everyone is aware that the Good News is really that there is a crown beyond the cross.
So now, we must do the work to Crown Ignorant Kings and restore the Kingdom of God in the earth.