What's the Big Idea?

What’s the Big Idea? (Please read Genesis 1:26-27)

You are very special! 
God made us in His own image and likeness (a reflection of His personality and character). 

We are all created like God in some ways, but we are all also very different in other ways. 

God is our King, and He is also our Father! 
There are two Kingdoms that He rules, a spiritual (or invisible) kingdom in heaven, and a natural (or visible) kingdom here on earth. God is the King in heaven and on earth because He created it (through the Word, Jesus Christ), and therefore He owns it. That is what the word LORD means, owner. We are His sons (offspring) and He gave us the right to rule the earthly part of His Kingdom, so He calls us kings, (with a small “k”, and lords, with a small "l"). We are not the primary owners, but the managers or stewards.

In Genesis, we read all about Adam and Eve, who were the first royal family here on earth, but they were rebellious and acted out in disobedience to God, (which is what we call sin), and they lost their rulership and privileges. This caused a lot of problems for many generations. 

Jesus Christ, who is also our big brother, had to come down to reveal God's purpose and be an example, to expose our ignorance and correct the consequences of disobedience, so that we would all be able to reconnect to our royal family and recover all the benefits that come along with being kings.

The entire Bible, from front to back, is full of God's ideas about a community, it's history, principles, and examples that show us how this Kingdom works; how we can return to our citizenship, and to learn how we can enjoy all the benefits of being a citizen. 

What do you think are the main things we must do to activate our benefits? 
Seek God's Kingdom, be obedient to God's principleslove God, and love everyone else, to the same extent that you first love yourself.

Do you know what a testament is? A testament is a document used for legal evidence in court. Many of the terms and meanings of things that we learn about in the bible were actually originally legal terms, but they have been turned into religious rituals and traditions that have been emptied of God’s power. Legion means a multitude or great number. Religion is a term that simply points to, “a large group searching for a god”. When you find God, you have a personal relationship again. You are connected!

Every country has citizens. The citizenship of a country is very powerful, and in order to know what your rights and responsibilities are, you have to first learn the constitution of the country.  

What are the two ways that you can become a citizen? Jesus said, you must either be born in it (like a natural-born baby is delivered through water from a womb), or you must be changed or renewed (in your mind) by learning its laws, rules, and regulations. This is what He meant by “being born of water and by the spirit”. When you do this, you become a citizen, and you have rights. 

Because we have spent years in the wrong mindset, we all have to learn how to be kings again. This is what is meant by the words, “to repent”. To return to the original mind that God gave you return to the top, as in the pent-house). Matthew 6:33-34 is one scripture that I used to start my journey to becoming a king once again. Read it, and start your journey to reclaiming your rights.

There is A King inside You!

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is not just the Good News about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel that we often hear is not even the same Gospel that Jesus Christ taught. 

We want to speculate on “What Would Jesus Do”, instead of focusing on “What Did Jesus Say”, and doing it. Not everyone is aware that the Good News is really that there is a crown beyond the cross. 

So now, we must do the work to Crown Ignorant Kings and restore the Kingdom of God in the earth.

The Truth of the Matter

Truth is simply defined as, the original information. Truth is what actually exists beyond your five senses. The truth is that all humankind was created to be kings. The word “king” does not depict gender, but a person of authority. The reason that God came was to make it possible for us to reconnect to the Kingdom of God and to reclaim the crowns that we forfeited out of ignorance and disobedience. Disobedience leads to death and the loss of our inheritance.

Crowning Ignorant Kings

Some people get offended by the word “ignorant”. It’s only offensive when it is taken out of context. When you use the word correctly, you will find that we are all ignorant at some point, or in some way. If any important information has been withheld, or if you are being misled in any way, you are ignorant.